The scriptures whisper a new path. Flesh and spirit, a melody, not discord. God’s presence hums in the mundane – shady groves, rushing rivers, windswept peaks. Divine whispers brush past in strangers’ eyes. Lilies unfurl, a silent sermon. Birdsong echoes a forgotten prayer. Each blade of grass, a tiny chapel, cradled by an angel’s murmur. Visions arrive unbidden, like grace upon Jacob’s dream. Dismiss them or embrace the mystery. The world brims with forgotten altars – a sunrise, a stranger’s smile, the curve of a loved one’s cheek. Each, a portal to the holy. The divine presence laughs, for God’s love blankets the earth. Everywhere, holiness whispers, waiting to be seen.
May the whispers of scripture guide your path, harmonizing flesh and spirit; may you find God's love in the mundane and see holiness everywhere.
(adapted from: Barbara Brown Taylor, An Altar in the World)