We recognize that the teachings of Jesus and the Twelve Steps of Bill Wilson are essentially the same, addressing the core of our human struggles. We all have addictions, whether to substances or to our own habitual ways of thinking and acting. These addictions, akin to what the Bible calls "sin," require serious measures to break free. We all suffer from "stinking thinking," the universal addiction to our own patterns of thought. This addiction blinds us to our own issues, making healing difficult without acknowledgment. Societies, too, are deeply addicted, creating shared compulsions and blind spots. To truly free ourselves, we must embrace contemplative practices that break down dualistic thinking. In doing so, we find the wisdom of surrender, suffering, and selflessness that leads to genuine transformation.
May we embrace contemplative practices to break free from our addictions and find true transformation through surrender, suffering, and selflessness.
(inspired Richard Rohr, Breathing under Water)